Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Julia Forte financial embezzlement

this is a repost from xcomplaints

 Julia Forte - - Extortion of Money

2010-04-04 07:12:11 by Bill Clutterbuck
There is a website on the internet that goes by the name- gives the details of the phone numbers and fake callers.Someone has posted my personal number over there on the website with a false and a rude comment.On getting to know this I have contacted the website to remove it.I waited for a few days without any response.

When I did not get any response,I searched on the whois domain id to see who the website belongs to.I got to know that it belongs to one called Julia Forte- and the Email Id listed there is is the CEO of the company.

I wrote her an email describing about the problem and requesting her to removing my phone number with the false comments.Initially she did not respond,but later on sending two reminders,she asked me to call her on her direct phone line at a specified time.On doing so,I was horrified to know on what she had to say.She asked me for a 1000 USD to be paid to her for her to remove my phone number from the website.This came in as a very serious shock and surprise to me.

This is serious extortion and use of the false information to steal away money from the people.I dont know why people do such unethical things and decided to divulge a little more into this characters background.On doing an internet check,I could find that this has been this so called CEO--Julia Fortes past.She has been involved in such dubious activities,has a couple of lawsuits running against her and the only way she makes some money.

There is also certain information about one Julia Forte in the same area being thrown out of her job for financial embezzlement,I am not sure if this is the same person,but going by the present things that she has been doing I have reason to believe it is the same person and are two of her latest scam and phishing websites.

Julia Forte is most definitely a professional scammer. She has a couple of new phishing scam websites purporting to report telemarketers, in reality it is used to extort money from victims of bogus abuse online. The websites and are two of her latest scam and phishing websites.
The long diatribe about legality is a joke too, Julia Forte believes that the burden of proof of a statement is on you, ie you must prove the statement is not true! The lack of legal knowledge of understanding of logic is astounding and is a charter for cowardly people to post abuse online. In reality she adds to bad reviews herself to generate income and commit daylight robbery.

The answer though is to hit her where it hurts, complain to google, write to the CEO if necessary. All of these scam websites earn advertising revenue through Google and Doubleclick fro Julia, so pointing out to them that this person is a scammer may cause them some embarrassment that they are funding her criminal activity. Enough complaints and they will pull the plug on her.

Also running a trace on her websites IP returns bogus DNS info, hardly the actions of someone carrying out a legitimate business! Try and find an address for this “company” and you will reach a dead end.

Julia Forte is a greedy crook who relies on the evil of gossip and envy

"User posts remain as long as they comply with the terms of service. Otherwise, if reported, they may be removed."

Talking out of your behind I'm afraid.

The websites above provide a platform that encourages smear campaigns so Julia can make money from the advertising and the charges for removal of information - FACT. This woman is a vindictive crook who uses the lies purported by her and the mad users who infest her website.

Her lack of knowledge of the law is downright dangerous, she believes if someone says something it is down to the victim of the smear to prove it is untrue - so posts are never removed. Ruining lives in the process.

As we all well know it is impossible in most cases to prove the people smearing and hiding behind Julia are liars, which suits Julia as this encourages visitors and that creates plenty of $$$.

Julia Forte is a greedy crook who relies on the evil of gossip and envy, nothing more nothing less.

Julia Forte AKA Yuliya (Julia) Karelina

more research

Julia Forte AKA Yuliya (Julia) Karelina and Oh What A Tangled Web She Weaves

(All information posted here was located in the public domain and it is not illegal nor against Google/Blogger terms of service to repost.)
Yuliya Karelina AKA Julia Forte is the Manager and Founder of She is also associated with several other domains.,,, (Octonet LLC), On first appearance she seems to run a website dedicated to exposing scammers, telemarketers and so forth.
On second appearance there are numerous complaints and there have been several lawsuits filed against Ms. Karelina (AKA Forte). Here are links to some beginning with Ripoff Report.
Ms. Forte has managed to get the lawsuits dismissed but yet questions remain about the authenticity and honesty of We of SU hadn’t commented on any of this even though we were displeased with the reaction we received when one of our members posted to the website. One of our members joined to complain about a VOIP service called CallCentric Wholesale Inc. We had several complaints of people being harassed by numbers associated with them and made a posting on 800Notes where we had found other complaints regarding them in the Google Search Engine.
Our member was immediately set upon by other posters attempting to dispute what she was saying. Our member’s links suddenly were unlinked and it had to have been done deliberately. Only after a complaint was she allowed to post links. Then finally posts by our member and someone else who went on in support were removed. While the detractors posts though just as contentious were allowed to remain and the thread was locked.
It appears to us that those on the Web who accuse Ms. Forte of unfairness are correct. She seems to favor some businesses over others and some posters over others. There was a concerted effort to protect CallCentric Wholesale Inc from criticism.
We believe all of the accusations should be taken note of and that is not what it appears to be. It is a deceptive website which should be approached cautiously and with skepticism. We at SU know that over time there have been many complaints regarding this blog as well. We however if petitioned honestly sometimes remove postings. Ms. Forte states that she never removes postings which we know is not the truth as one of our members had postings removed.
If as Forte/Karelina says she does not do so then lets see if she respects the prerogative of others to do the same and not complain about what is written here. For her to do otherwise would be the utmost in hypocrisy.
Because in our opinion is dishonest we post.
Name: Yuliya Karelina (AKA Julia Forte, Julia Karelina)
Associated: and other websites listed above
Address: 3105 Megwood Court
Apex, North Carolina 27539
Previous: 400 Pyracantha Drive
Holly Springs, North Carolina 27540-7599
Business: 2054 Kildaire Farm Road #318
Cary, North Carolina 27518
Telephone: (919) 434-8359
Relative: Mikhail Sashnikov

The Owner: Julia Forte - WhoCallsMe - Where The Truth Hurts

The Owner: Julia Forte - WhoCallsMe - Where The Truth Hurts 
Duncan Regent Associates Limited ("The Company")

“The Company” was in somewhat of a quandary why the site moderators of were continually removing postings made by “The Company” on their site which would appear to be a total contradiction to what they allow anonymous third parties to post? - Now we know why - According to the Internet - It's a Scam.

Posted 26th August 2013 - Then Removed?

With all due respect it is crystal clear who "The Company" is so "The Company" will await with great interest to see if the anonymous "Nan" will reciprocate "The Companies" upfront honesty as previously requested on this unregulated offshore site by disclosing your full details to enable "The Company" to test your theory of the validity of this site and where the responsibility lies on posting made?

"The Company" notes with great interest your use of the word "Paranoid" which you seem to always use on other postings you have made the minute any Company questions the validity of this site and it's reassuring to know that "it is a published fact that two of the most prevalent scams going round at the moment are private/business Community Charge reductions and Pension Release offers" as neither of these applies to "This Company".

Furthermore, it's crystal clear from your comments that "The Company" is dammed either way on WhoCallsMe, however, "The Company" can assure you "The Company" is a million miles away from your narrow minded perceived perception of how "The Company" operates and it is a pity you do not focus more on the "Positive Truthful Facts" that "This Company" has saved UK businesses millions of pounds whilst representing them.

Your failure to comment on "The Companies" previous posting about HMRC and the benefits "The Company" can provide to businesses all around the UK will simply be put down to the quote "The Truth Hurts"?

Notwithstanding the above, Oh “Nan” here we go again getting drawn in to the world of an “Internet Troll” in your continued attempts to justify your important role in life and how irresponsible of “The Company” to respond again with due diligence when “The Company” should in fact be operating as an anonymous “Yellow-Bellied” “Believer”. “The Company” owes you an unreserved apology when you have spent so many valuable years purporting yourself to be some kind of “Wannabe Lawyer” with your invaluable opinions on thousands of companies (seriously for a second – unbelievably some were justified) on so maybe you would now be kind enough to “Regale Believers” of this site with the full story of what would appear to be the “Sad Seedy World of”.

“Information on Google on the 26th August 2013 about true motives and their credibility on the Internet.” CREATOR: JULIA FORTE
2054 Kidaire Farm Rd Suite 318
Phone Number: 704-817-0929

Quote 1) " Scam Forum

This thread has been created for businesses all over the world that have been a victim of Julia Forte's website where Julia Forte encourages hate campaigns against businesses, removes positive comments in discussions about businesses and uploads false comments herself against businesses in order to ruin decent businesses and cause them maximum damage.

Please only upload comments on to this thread if you have fallen foul to Julia Forte's website and it's practices and leave your businesses details on here so that this information can be channelled to the appropriate authority in due course. Please also upload any other information you may have regarding Julia Forte that may assist any actions that are brought against her in due course.

At which time sufficient information is accumulated on this thread, it will be passed on to google and other major search engines for their consideration as well as other appropriate authorities to ensure the whocallsme website is removed from the internet."

Quote 2) “ purposely allows people to write illicit information and then tries to extort money from the person it's writing about to remove the posts. Look at the credibility of this web site before believing what’s posted on it.”

Quote 3) “Looking further at Julia Forte we realized how horrible a website Julia Forte is running. All other complaint sites at least require the complainer to register under with an email address and the poster needs to put their time in before submitting their complaint. All other sites also make sure the poster can be identified through email if need be. But Julia Forte just allows ANYONE to post ANYTHING at ANY TIME without checking the validity of the complaint or even making the poster at least sign up with an account before posting it.”

Quote 4) “We recently started seeing a lot of false complaints about our company showing up while doing a google or bing search. All of them posted in ONE site called, we were a little baffled and also posted providing contact information in the post asking people posting there to call us, as we had no clue who they were.

We tried to contact the complaintwire company through their website, which has no contact, no email or address. just a contact us page with a textbox submission. Unable to reach them, we did a whois on this site and found that Julia Forte was the owner of the site. Searching in Google and Bing we found that the same person started a and was extorting money from businesses.

We wanted to make sure people are aware of this site and its owner Julia Forte are frauds. Their was exposed and now they are moving into a different site called”

Quote 5) “Julia Forte - Scam

2010-04-13 13:16:35 by Julia Forte- Cheat - Scammer and Corporate Thief

I am one of the previous employees of the I am letting the common public know about my first-hand experience at the company. I was hired as a fresher and right on the very first day I was told how the whole scam works. The company head- Julia Forte makes it a point that the strategy is very well drilled in every executives head.

Basically they would encourage people to come and write complaints about various phone numbers and tele callers. Now everyone registering on the website is required to put in the details of the email. Once a complaint comes in-they would let it lie on the website just like that and see if any more people are writing against the number. If not-then one of the team members of the would put up some false comments and posts about the number. This ways they would build up a lot of complaints against one number.

Ones sufficient complaints were collected,we were asked to get in touch with these numbers/phone callers personally make them aware of what has been posted about the numbers and against their companies.The job was basically to emphasize about the repercussions of the number staying there online.We would build up pressure on them to get these numbers removed,scared them with all possible explanations.And to remove the posts the company would ask them to pay hefty amounts ranging from 500 to 2000 USD.The amount was supposed to be transferred by means that could not be clearly tracked-in false bank accounts,direct transfers in employee names!!!

Those who do not relent to their pressure tactics-well the magnitude of the false attack was increased on them-Julia Forte supervised this department herself-she is very unethical and has simply no moral values.

Those who did not relent to their tactics-you can still find their numbers on the website-

It’s been 3 months since I left that company and I am thankful to GOD for that!!”

Quote 6) “Julia Forte is under massive legal infraction in the US for this site which purposely badmouths innocent people to try to extort money. Every time we post this info on her site challenging her company’s validity, they remove the postings! Funnier yet, they remove the postings and then add their own negative ones!! She allows postings from people that have never attempted to use our services?”

“The Company” could cut and paste thousands of other damaging quotes about from the internet made by other third parties however “The Company” would hate to be falsely accused again of spamming on this valuable site?

The world awaits with bated breath and great interest your “Expert Opinions” on“” and good old “Julia Forte” and her motives and it will be further interesting to see how long it is before this posting gets removed by the powers that be – which I guess can only translate to “Guilty As Charged”?

Finally on a serious note Nan – "The Company" has no problems whatsoever with any experiences being published on this site that any "Genuine Third Party" has had with "The Company" and the services that "The Company" provides, however, "The Company" will not acquiesce should a third party post anonymously on this unregulated offshore site. To do so means you are libel for written defamation as your postings will be deemed as false and unprivileged statements of fact which is harmful to The Companies” reputation, and published “with fault” as a result of malice.

Any genuine client who has any concerns about any aspect of the service “The Company” provides should write to “The Company” directly. If “The Company” does not deal with the complaint to your satisfaction you may then wish to consider complaining to Trading Standards. Making a complaint this way will not prejudice your right to take legal proceedings. The company has written to Trading Standards concerning this offshore website and the anonymous postings being made by various third parties who are acting as “agent provocateurs” in their attempts to damage “The Company” reputation.

Now stop playing silly “Tit for Tat” games and if you truly have nothing to hide and you are a UK resident and would be kind enough to fully disclose your true full identity on this site “The Company” will gladly test the validity of this site through the perfectly adequate UK legal system.

As per the posting dated 21st August 2013 “The Company” has no further comments to make.

Posted 14/08/2013 - Then Removed?

"The Company" notes with great interest your use of the word "Paranoid" which you seem to always use on other postings you have made on this unregulated site the minute any Company questions the validity of this site?

With all due respect it is crystal clear who "The Company" is so "The Company" will await with great interest to see if the anonymous "Nan" will reciprocate "The Companies" upfront honesty on this unregulated offshore site by disclosing your full details to enable "The Company" to test your theory of the validity of this site and where the responsibility lies on posting made?

It is reassuring to know that "it is a published fact that two of the most prevalent scams going round at the moment are private/business Community Charge reductions and Pension Release offers" as neither of these applies to "This Company".

Furthermore, It is crystal clear from your comments that "The Company" is dammed either way on WhoCallsMe, however, "The Company" can assure you "The Company" is a million miles away from your narrow minded perceived perception of how "The Company" operates and it is a pity you do not focus more on the "Positive Truthful Facts" that "This Company" has saved UK businesses millions of pounds whilst representing them.
Your failure to comment on "The Companies" previous posting about HMRC and the benefits "The Company" can provide to businesses all around the UK will simply be put down to the quote "The Truth Hurts"?

Finally, for the avoidance of doubt, "The Company" has no problems whatsoever with any experiences being published on this site that any "Genuine Third Party" has had with "The Company" and the services that "The Company" provides, however, "The Company" will not acquiesce should a third party post anonymously on this unregulated offshore site. To do so means you are libel for written defamation as your postings will be deemed as false and unprivileged statements of fact which is harmful to The Companies” reputation, and published “with fault” as a result of malice.

Duncan Regent Reviews - Where The Truth Matters.
The site has been created to allow any business owner in the U.K to be made fully aware of the true contents of postings made on which is an offshore, unregulated website which has been created to allow anonymous third parties to make unfounded and defamatory statements about Duncan Regent Associates Ltd.

“The Company” intends to seek counsel in relation to libel for written defamation posted by the anonymous third parties on which are false and unprivileged statements of fact which is harmful to The Companies” reputation, and published “with fault” as a result of malice. “The Company” will also seek advice to use the “discovery process” to track down and find your actual identity to enable “The Company” to use your IP address to force your Internet Service Provider to turn over your account information, including your name and address.

It has been noted by "The Company" with great interest that there is not one single posting on from any client that has actually used the services of "The Company" which over a 5 year period is testament of the invaluable services that "The Company" offers to the genuine business owner. It is any businesses legal right to challenge their business rates on their premises in any rating list period which can be “done for free” should a business wish to represent themselves, however, most sensible, successful business owners will instruct “An Agent” to represent them in such an important matter.

Any genuine client who has any concerns about any aspect of the service “The Company” provides should write to “The Company” directly. If “The Company” does not deal with the complaint to your satisfaction you may then wish to consider complaining to Trading Standards. Making a complaint this way will not prejudice your right to take legal proceedings. Furthermore, "The Company" has written to Trading Standards concerning this offshore website and the anonymous postings being made by various third parties who are acting as “agent provocateurs” in their attempts to damage “The Company” reputation.


Any anonymous client who continues to use the site should take professional legal advice before doing so and further, should seriously consider the terms and conditions of before making any such posting.

Terms of Service - - Please click on the link below then seek Legal Advice.

Notwithstanding the above:
“The Company” time is best spent in helping businesses who genuinely want professional representation in challenging their business rates and “The Company” has helped businesses throughout the UK save “Millions of Pounds” on their Business Rates. “The Company” invites any genuine client to simply click on the direct links to The Valuation Office Agency (The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is an executive agency of HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)) to enable “The Normal Level Headed Business Owner” to make their own sensible conclusions on the contents of and the services that “The Company” can provide:

 Website Bogus, Malicious and Defamatory Postings

Notice Board

14th November 2011 Website Bogus, Malicious and Defamatory Postings
It has been brought to the attention of TAPA that there have been a large number of false postings published on to a US website called by anonymous individuals based in the UK that are aimed to maliciously defame the good reputation of our practice.
The false comments in large part are all aimed to convince browsers that TAPA is under investigation by Trading Standards and various other regulators in England and Wales for unprofessional trading practices. Other postings are aimed to convince browsers that TAPA's services are of little benefit to it's clients and that TAPA hoodwinks clients in to making payments to our practice without providing any service whatsoever to our clients.
The postings are disingenuous and aimed to cause maximum damage to our practice. TAPA is not under investigation by any regulatory bodies and has a very close working relationship with Trading Standards. Our legal representatives in the US have instigated legal action through the US Courts in the local jurisdiction to where the forum moderator is based to have the malicious postings removed and to identify the IP addresses of the hoaxers in the UK. This will then enable TAPA to trace the origin of the various postings through UK telecom providers so that we can instigate legal action against the persons responsible for the false postings.
Unfortunately, does not require any registration process and anonymous individuals are able to upload comments instantly upon accessing the website. Our legal representatives have concluded that it is likely that most of the hoaxers are persons responsible for the management of unscrupulous support publishing firms that our practice is assisting large numbers of their victims with. Other comments are likely to have been made by individuals that have arrears with our practice that we are currently pursuing for payment who have posted false comments in retaliation to such matters.
Persons responsible for the management of unscrupulous support publishing firms understand that if they can post as much negative publicity as possible about our practice, this may deter some of their victims from instructing TAPA to assist them and will ensure they are free to target the same victims again in the future without reproach. If you have browsed the postings on and have any concerns as a result, please be rest assured that we are doing everything within our power to get the comments removed as soon as possible. However, the legal process in the US can be very lengthy and can take months before cases are heard.
Please contact TAPA with any concerns you may have and our representatives will do their utmost to assist you. If any browsers of this notice have any information in regards to the false postings that may assist our legal representatives, please contact TAPA at your earliest possible convenience with any information you may have. TAPA will update this Notice Board at which time further developments have been made with the case.

Please also browse the links below for complaints against the moderator of the scam forum. SCAM Julia Forte

Posted: 2011-03-13 by   800notesscam

Julia Forte and Abused a Minor

Complaint Rating:  26 % with 23 votes
Contact information: Julia Forte
624 Holly Springs Road
Holly Springs, North Carolina
United States
Phone: 704-817-0929
If you pay Julia Forte and to advertise on their website PLEASE read about what Julia Forte has done to my son who is a minor and determine if you still want to support this website.

I am a mother and my son is 17-years-old. He is a junior in high school and is starting to apply to different colleges. Recently my son and his girlfriend broke up. When they broke up the girl made it known to my son that she was going to get her revenge on him by posting nasty rumors about him online.

My son told me this so we "googled" him every couple of days to see if the girl was going to go through with her threat. Sure enough she did and she used the site to write false slander about my son.

Word about this spread and my 17-year-old son is being harassed at school because of what was written on this site about him. I am terrified that my son is not going to get accepted at some of the colleges he is applying for because of this.

I contacted 800notes and Julia Forte and asked her to remove the content about my son since it wasn't true. I actually contacted her multiple times and the content was not removed. I researched her site further to read where she says that no content is ever removed from her site unless it contains excessive profanity or looks like spam which wasn't the case with the slander about my son. She also continually brags on her site about how the US laws protect her from anything that anyone writes on her site even though she is the one who hosts it.

A few weeks passed and I contacted my son's ex-girlfriend. I begged her to remove the content she wrote about my son because it was leading him to get harassed at school. His ex-girlfriend admitted she was just mad the day she posted it and agreed to remove it. She then got back to me to tell me she COULDN'T remove it. She admitted that the reason she chose 800notes to slander my son was because she googled some complaint sites and was the easiest one to get negative content on quickly. She didn't have to register or identify herself at all and she liked the ease that she could just post the very bad things about my son even though they were completely false.

I looked further into and I realized how horrible of a website Julia Forte is running. All other complaint sites at least require the complainer to register under with an email address and the poster needs to put their time in before submitting their complaint. All other sites also make sure the poster can be identified through email if need be. But just allows ANYONE to post ANYTHING at ANY TIME without checking the validity of the complaint or even making the poster at least sign up with an account before posting it. This false slander is now severely hurt my son's chances of getting into the colleges he wants to and it is all due to Julia Forte from Holly Springs, North Carolina!

I realize that just like the false slander about my son, it is possible for people to post false complaints about people online. I ask that you don't take my word on this. Go to yourself. Type in someone you don't care for's phone number and then write some false slander using that person's name and location. It will pop up on the site INSTANTLY no matter what you say. Now realize that someone that has a beef about you can do the same thing to you even if it is not true. And they can do the same thing to ruin the life of your CHILD!

Read some of the complaints on her site. Half of them have nothing to do with unwanted phone calls. A lot of them are vicious, personal attacks that no person would actually write about someone just because of a telemarketing call. People are using this site to slander innocent people and they are doing it because of the ease lets them. And now it has been done to my innocent child!

If you pay to advertise on their site, PLEASE reconsider. Julia Forte has no regard for anyone else, even minors. This is not going to change and the laws of this country support her evil ways. But it doesn't mean you have to.